Lanes Health celebrate 60 years of PAGB membership

We're pleased to share that 2025 marks the 60th anniversary of Lanes Health becoming a member of PAGB, the consumer healthcare association.

We’re pleased to share that 2025 marks the 60th anniversary of Lanes Health becoming a member of PAGB, the consumer healthcare association. We would like to say a huge thank you to all at Lanes Health for their ongoing support as members!

Lanes Health was initially brought into membership by Roger Lane in 1965.

Janet Groves, Non-Executive Chairman at Lanes Health, shares:

My father Roger Lane, as a qualified pharmacist, had the foresight in the early days to recognise the valuable work being done by the PAGB to support manufacturers of medicinal products, particularly in the light of the impending medicines act.  He felt it was important therefore that Lanes were part of this important organisation. An organisation we are proud to say we have been members of for a staggering 60 years.

Since Lanes Health first came into membership 60 years ago, PAGB has progressed with our work on compliance and navigating regulatory complexities. We strive to provide our members with key insights and up-to-date guidance so that membership remains relevant.

Rachel Davies, Technical Director at Lanes Health, and PAGB Board Member, shares:

As a responsible supplier of consumer healthcare products, it is important that we continue to tap into the expert advice and guidance that has consistently been provided by the PAGB for many years. In addition, as part of the collective, we are represented with a voice to influence government policy and manage media coverage on topics affecting our industry. It’s wonderful to still have this close relationship with the PAGB that has endured for 60 years. Long may it continue.

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