Hear from Jenny Capel about her career at PAGB
What is your current role at PAGB?
I am currently a Regulatory Affairs Manager.
What do you enjoy about your current role?
PAGB is a great place to work, and the small team is very friendly and supportive. I like the variety of my role – I provide regulatory advice, information and analysis on UK and international issues and help ensure views of PAGB’s members are effectively represented, including by responding to consultations and proposals.
I also enjoy developing guidance and training, and working on topics such as electronic patient information, packaging design and new product development.
Where did your career at PAGB start?
My first job at PAGB was as a Codes of Practice Assessor (now referred to as an Advertising Compliance Executive) in PAGB’s advertising team.
In this role I was responsible for assessing and approving copy submissions, helping members to develop claims, marketing materials and delivering training.
How did you end up moving teams?
I had been part of the advertising team for a while and an opportunity arose to move to the regulatory team. I had worked with colleagues from the regulatory team before on different projects which I had enjoyed, and I thought the role sounded very interesting. I started as a Regulatory Affairs Executive before being promoted to a senior role and more recently a manager.
What support did you receive to transition to your new role?
My PAGB colleagues were very helpful and supportive when I moved teams and I attended training sessions, both internally and externally, to prepare me for my new role.