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EU Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP)
In 2021 the Commission carried out a public consultation on the Targeted revision of the Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP) which ended on 15 November 2021.The CLP Regulation covers almost all chemicals and products which contain them. Its aims are twofold:
- To protect citizens, workers and the environment from dangerous substances.
- To facilitate the intra-EU exchange of chemicals, which can circulate freely with the European Internal Market when properly labelled and packaged according to the CLP criteria.
The objective of the targeted revision of the CLP Regulation is to improve the safe use of chemicals in the EU and to simplify existing CLP rules. The outcome of this consultation will feed into the work of the European Commission in updating and improving the CLP Regulation, as pledged by the Commission in its ‘Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability’ which was adopted on 14 October 2020. The strategy is part of the EU’s zero pollution ambition – a key commitment of the European Green Deal – and aims to better protect citizens and the environment from harmful chemicals, and boost innovation by promoting the use of safer and more sustainable chemicals.Currently, Medicines, Medical Devices and Food supplements are exempted from the CLP Regulation on classification and labelling. This is because hazards to human health are generally identified and dealt with by specific pieces of legislation. However, the public consultation highlighted that the information on environmental hazards (such as “substances toxic to aquatic life”) are not identified and information is not provided to the users of these products. Therefore, the consultation asked whether the scope of the CLP Regulation should be widened to include these products.AESGP’s response to this consultation can be found here.AESGP also responded to the targeted stakeholder consultation to support the Commission’s Impact Assessment for the revision of the CLP Regulation, which ran until 22 December 2021. The purpose of this consultation was to assist the European Commission in assessing possible legislative and non-legislative measures to improve the implementation of the CLP Regulation. The scope for revision of the CLP Regulation is set out in its inception impact assessment.AESGP’s response to this consultation can be found here.
AESGP website (external link) Victoria TrowseSenior Regulatory Affairs
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